I used to think hes were evil before
I saw hes hit shes
And shes would cry
Rage pouring down her broken doll face
The only crocodiles here were him
There’s a beauty of abuse
Or rather, what it can make
The expectation is it replicates
Echoes of pain til there’s no one for days
It’s human nature, sometimes
And the alternative
To rather than echo the abuse you were shown
You amplify a love you yourself didn’t know
‘Hurt people hurt people’ won’t be enough to justify
Cause some day someones gonna put an end to this cycle. And there won’t be anymore band aids or bruises to hide what they did to you, the hes you trusted. And you don’t gotta explain to anyone who wouldn’t’ve understood. You didn’t deserve it then and you don’t deserve it now. And still your love persists. Get a load of that.
And suddenly hes aren’t bad to me anymore.
It was just a bad one in a bad way in a bad time but he’s over now.
And He’s amazing.