So This Is Love

So This Is Love


This piece is about redefining what love looks like to me. I didn’t have a good idea of what love looks like, or should look like. I didn’t have a good one to base it off of if I was to expect it or hope for it. I know what it looks like in movies or shows but each representation is unique or inaccurate. I think at some point, we have to define what love is for ourselves.

I made So This Is Love with my parents in mind. If they were still together, I’d imagine that’s what they’d look like. Holding each other, doing things for each other, being so close and physical. Delicate and nurturing. Intimately inattentive to whatever is happening outside of this moment.

Just together. No one protector, not one savior, no one nurturer. Protecting, saving, nurturing each other. And I think that’s love.

acrylic on wood
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